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Author Guidelines
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Article must be original, not plagiarism (similarity 20%), unpublished, and not under review for possible publication in other journals. |
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The manuscript is typed using Microsoft Word, around 4,000-6,000 words in Palatino Linotype size 10 pt and single space.
3 |
Article should be concept, research-based, and toughts;
4 |
Article should be written in Indonesia, Arabic, English and Russian |
5 |
Article must contain of Law Science |
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Writing Guidance as follows: |
a. Title is written by Capital maximum 14 words in the center b. Name of authors are written completely, no degree, institutional affiliation, address, and email. c. Abstract is written in English maximum 250 words. d. Systematycs of article (template): 1) Title 2) Name of authors (no title), name of affiliation, email 3) Abstract 4) Keywords, between 3-5 words 5) Introduction 6) Methods 7) Results and Discussion 8) Conclusions 9) References (The bibliography list contains all references in text originating from sources that are relevant and at least up to date (last 10 years). e. Paper Sizes are 17,5 X24 cm, up 2,5 cm, down, 2,5 cm, right 2,5 cm, and left 2,5 cm f. Length of article is between 18 – 20 pages with 1.0 line spacing, Palatyno Fond Style with 10 size. g. Rule of citation. Direct citation if word is more than 4 lines separated from the text with 1.0 spacing with 9 font. However if citation less than 4 lines, it should be integrated in the text with double apostrof both in the first and in the end. Every citation is given number. Citation system is body note and use Turabian Style. Every article, book, and other source should be citated on the reference. h. Citation for Quran and Hadist. For verse citation contains name of surah, number of surah and number of verse example: (Qs. Al Mumin [40]: 43). For Hadis citation, mention name of Perawi/Author, example (H. R al-Bukhari and Muslim) and printed hadist version. Hadist must be from standar hadist books (Kutub at-Tisah). Technical Guidance for Authors of Peradilan Agama; Jurnal Kajian Hukum & Syariah. i. Bodynote is written by Palatino Linotype style, size 10, for any sources as: (Yunus, 2014: 144). j. References is written alphabeticaly and minimum 15 references, last author’s name is in the first of name, example: Books Golovatyi, S. (ed.) (1996). Constitutions of the new states of Europe and Asia. Kyiv: Ukrainian Legal Foundation; Publishing house "Law".
Book chapter Smith, F. M., & Jones, W. (2004). The college student. In C. Wood & M. Meyer (Eds.), Cross-cultural education (pp. 75-105). London, Canada: MacMillan.
Journal article Maziarz, B. (2020). The Territorial Defense Force in the fight against terrorism – institutional and legal issues. Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces. Volume 52. Number 1(195), 69-75.
Journal article with DOI Kler, P., Szczesniak, B., Anyzewska, A. & Bertrand, J. (2019). Assessment of nutritional knowledge of soldiers of the Territorial Defense Force of the Polish Armed Forces. The 13th European Nutrition Conference, FENS 2019, was held at the Dublin Convention Centre, 15–18 October 2019. DOI: 10.1017/S0029665120002591.
Newspaper article Fung, M. (2006, December 12). Asthma rates are increasing. Winnipeg Free Press, pp. C4.
Newspaper article on website Harris, M. (2011, August 16). Grades improve if classes start later, studies find. The Calgary Herald. Retrieved from http://www.calgaryherald.com/
Website On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of March 4, 2016 "On the Concept for the Development of the Security and Defense Sector of Ukraine": Decree of the President of Ukraine № 92/2016 of March 14. 2016. Retrieved from https://www.president.gov.ua/documents/ 922016-19832.
Website document Plavitu, D. (2016). Territorial defence as a part of the Romanian National Defence System. Strona. 2(7), 219–227. Retrieved from http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/cejsh/element/bwmeta1.element.desklight-cc8c60c8-9635-46cc-a155-acbcb820fbe3/c/AP.VII_.Plavitu.pdf.
Book translation Mancusa, S., & Viola, A. (2015). Brilliant green: the surprising history and science of plant intelligence (J. Benham, Trans.). Washington, DC: Island Press. k. Closing, article is closed by conclusion; |
7. |
Every article that doesnt fufill all requirements to this guidance will give it back to the author for revision. |
8. |
Article must be submitted to editors at least 3 months before publishing (April, August, and December) with uploading via OJS. |
9. |
All manuscripts are anonymously studied by reviewers appointed by the editor according to their expertise. The author is given a chance to revise the manuscript based on the reviewer’s or the editor’s recommendation/advice. The decision of publication or rejection will be informed through the author’s email address. |
10. |
The editor has the right to modify and correct the spelling, writing, and grammar of the published manuscript. |
11. |
Everything related to citing permission or computer software usage in writing the manuscript or any other things related to copyright done by the author, along with all its legal consequences, becomes the author’s full responsibility. |
12. |
An author whose manuscript is published will get a copy of publishing proof and five copies of printing proof. Unpublished manuscripts will not be returned. |